This is a trial version until 15th december 2016. After this date the usage will be blocked. You will not have any costs unless you buy the full version of the App.Two key rituals combining the best methods of personal development and time management, to awaken your fullest potential and to live every day to the fullest. You will only spend a few minutes after waking up and before going to bed, but it will have an immense impact on your life.
This App will structure your mind and life, so you will feel more energetic, happier, grateful, attractive, confident and motivated to build the life of your dreams. Also you will create a daily Masterplan, your roadmap to success.
Even when we spend hundreds of dollars in personal development we will only be as good as our daily habits. This is why the Make Me Awesome App is divided into a daily morning and bedtime ritual,
The Morning Ritual including:
- Wake Up Routine- Guided Meditation to awaken your fullest potential- Gratitude List- Transforming Questions- Deep focused Visualizations- Life-changing Affirmations- Celebration- Masterplan to structure your perfect day, set challenges and rewards
The Bedtime Ritual including
- Gratitude List- Tomorrow Tasks- Improvements- Amazing Tomorrow List- Affirmations- Dreams- Visualizations
Awaken your fullest potential and start to live the life of your dreams. Make this rituals to your habit and carve your path towards greatness.